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 WELCOME to AhISee - the site to help you get that 'AhISee!' feeling...

it's called  INSIGHT ...   


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  so COME IN and take a look around. And call back -

we do update the site often and there will frequently sometimes* be something new to see...

What's going on at AhISee .com ?

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This site has sections on Audio, Marine, Psychology, Philosophy, Writing, Internet commentary, General topics. Select an area from the drop-down list at the top or the Menu at the bottom of this page.

*NEW* *We are sorry that the site has not seen much updating for a while now. Blame pressures of work - I do! However, over the next few months a whole slew of new material that has been in preparation will finally appear. Keep watching...

*NEW* A popular link is How to write an academic essay. If you're not too sure where or how to start, have a look at this article - it may help you out. The style of essay looked at here is that typical in psychology courses, but it applies to the other 'softer' sciences too. Everyone's different of course - so perhaps you'll find other approaches suit you better. There's some links to other essay-writing primers from the article.

*NEW* Many people have linked to An Introduction to Recording Studio Design - Part Two is due soon, and then we'll follow up with some hints, tips and practical instructions for making the best of whatever space is available for recording.

*NEW* The next chapter of the Introduction to Marine Electronics will soon be seen in the Marine section. We've so far got up to some basic math...

 Main Site Areas
Help with Navigating this website
Quick guide to how the site is arranged, how to get about, alternate access keys and so on...
About this website
The five 'W''s of this site: what, where, when, why - and who. Oh, and maybe a bit about you.
Search this website
Quick Search, Site Map, What's New search...
Links and Resources
Links and resources relating to the material on the site.

Introducing the Internet
How to do - Well, various things connected with learning the Internet
Audio and Music
Articles on sound and music - with maybe some music as well.
Psychology Essays and Speculations
Essays on aspects of psychology, covering a broad spectrum. And some possibly silly speculations...
Boats, Marine Electronics
Articles on simple repairs for the non-specialist, and a book on the theory behind marine (or any other!) electronics.
Philosophy of Science
Essays and Commentary on aspects of the Philosophy of Science.
Internet? Dot.com?
Intermittent running commentary on the internet
General Articles
Articles that can be described as 'none of the above'

How to contact us
Contact details for AhISee.com
Frequently Asked Questions
Some frequent questions (and some that are asked a lot less frequently) with answers




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